Welcome Home, Cobbers!

Arriving on Campus

To help move-in go smoothly, students will select an arrival time. Arrival times are set in 30-minute time blocks between 9 a.m. and noon on move-in day. Instructions on how to select your move-in time will be sent the week of July 22.

Once on campus, there will be people and signs (and people holding signs) to direct you to a parking spot. Go directly to the lobby of the residence hall to which you've been assigned. Residence life representatives will be there to greet you, issue a key, and provide directions to your room.

After collecting your key, you can move your vehicle to an unloading zone. Then, it's time to haul things in. Don't worry — there will be about a dozen people waiting for you to open the doors of your vehicle so they can assist.

Renting a Loft

If you rented a loft, the pickup location is the lot south of Hvidsten Hall (for those in Hoyum or Livedalen) or the lot just east of Hallett/Erickson. Just ask a volunteer to point you in the general direction. You can likely count on a student volunteer waiting at the pickup location to carry it to your room for you (and another two or three volunteers to put it together).

What to Bring

Not sure what to bring? Check out our packing list for college essentials, specific to Concordia. 

6 Move-In Day Tips:

Since so many people — from football players to the Orientation team and alumni volunteers — will help bring your stuff to your room, labeling items with your first/last name and room number will help ensure a speedy and successful process!

Being on campus for the first time is exciting and everyone wants to make a good first impression, but moving in is a whole lot easier and enjoyable when you are dressed comfortably.

Living in the Upper Midwest means that summer doesn’t last forever — so don’t bring too many summer clothes. All of those extra items take up space and aren’t needed most of the year.

Although the summer weather won't last long, a fan is recommended for the first few months of school. Keeping your room cool is important for a good night’s rest!

If you brought carpet with you, make it your first priority when moving in. It is difficult to put it down once you already have everything else in the room.

To ease the stress of moving in, have essentials in an easy-to-find place before you get on campus so you don’t have to spend time searching through all of your belongings for necessities.

Ask for Help

If you are unsure about anything, know that there's someone within 10 feet of you that is willing to help. Basically, anyone in a Residence Life, Orientation, or alumni T-shirt should be able to answer your question(s) or direct you to someone who can.

Blessing the Journey

After you move into your dorm, you and your family are welcome to attend Blessing the Journey, a service led by Concordia Campus Ministry to commission our incoming students into their journey at Concordia.


Residence Life

Academy 110